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AirLive SmartLife Plus
The AirLive SmartLife Plus is the APP with user friendly interface to let you in full control of your smart home. It includes device control, scene creation, and the IFTTT macro rule which create many possibilities for your smart home operation.
AirLive SmartLife Plus: Device
Open your APP, then scan the gateway’s QR code. The APP automatically displays all your devices. Then you can view the IP camera, check the room temperature, see how much power is used, or turn on the alarm. Everything is clearly visible and easy to use.

AirLive SmartLife Plus: Scenes
Create different combination of activities using the scene tools. You can create a scene base on a location such as living room. On the other hand, you can also create a scene base on an occasion such as party mode, theater mode, or welcome home schemes. You can even set automatic activities when you are away from home.
IFTTT(If this then that) Macros
The SmartLife Plus supports IFTTT(If this then that) protocol. Therefore, you can setup certain conditions to trigger some events. So whether it is for home security, temperature control, or home automation, the APP has a solution for you.